What is this? A thoughtfully designed user-friendly course which shares the practical and spiritual Jewish perspective of pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond.
Who is it for? Young Jewish Couples expecting their first child.
Why is it called Fruitful? Ever hear the phrase: “Be fruitful and multiply”? Well, it’s one thing to have a baby but it’s a totally different level to be successful and enjoy everything about it.
What does it cover? Everything you need to know about the journey, with a special focus on the three main areas that are going to change: your body, your relationship, your lifestyle.
What if I don’t feel comfortable discussing these subjects with members of the opposite gender? No problem, we understand and respect you. That’s why we split into separate groups for the more intimate stuff.
Who facilitates it? A panel of specialist presenters facilitated by Rabbi Yosef & Carri Solomon, insightful educators and ‘professional’ parents of a large happy family. See more here: [link to ‘Presenters’ panel]
How long is it? Our basic course is 7 weekly modules. Specialised options available, please enquire here. [link to ‘Presenters’ panel]
How much does it cost? £180 per couple. Yummy preggybelly-friendly nosh included.
(Subsidies available where needed, please apply here. [link to ‘contact’ panel].)
Where does it happen? Our center is in Borehamwood but if that’s too far for you, we might be able to come to you, please enquire here. [link to ‘contact’ panel]. Sessions start 7:30pm and finish by 9:30pm with break for refreshments and schmooze.